Post content in our site and earn points.
The points can be exchanged for gifts or to give gifts to other members.
How it works?
Every comment you make you earn 1 point.
To every content you add to the site, you earn 2 points.
What gifts can I win?
Soon we will many more. But at the moment you can exchange your points for books and ebooks.
50 points = 1 ebook of your choice in our store: http://www.artelogy.com/en/store
100 points = 1 book of your choice in our store: http://www.artelogy.com/en/store
Whenever you want to exchange your points just send us an email to art@artelogy.com
Let us know:
- Your username
- Full name and delivery address (real data please)
- Link to the product you want to exchange your points
Do you want to see your points? http://www.artelogy.com/myuserpoints
Do you want to see the top members? http://www.artelogy.com/userpoints/
* The administration reserves the right to change the rules of this competition if, in his opinion, be justified.
It is forbidden to try to vitiate the points system. Eg a comment is a comment, not allowed "comments" just to make "number".
The same applies to contents and comments repeated.
All content and comments that we detect fraudulent be erased and consequently the points earned with them will be removed.
If a member insist on trying to vitiate results will be expelled from our site.
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