2. How to get Everything that you want in Life


2. How to get Everything that you want in Life


In order to conquer the world-which is in each and all of our hands to do- we must first conquer ourselves.

I’d like to start my point with two ideas: A good friend once told me-“Believe in the person who you wish to be”; and the saying - “don’t make too many plans not to spoil the plans that life has for you”.

  1. Our failures permit us to grow and evolve from them as it’s our failures, and not our successes, which allow us to train harder and harder toward our own excellence. Our failures themselves can develop, grow and improve themselves. When we find ourselves failing again at some old habit that is difficult for us to overcome, if we look at our present failure to see how we’ve done it this time, we’ll probably find that it has been done in a better way than the last time we’ve done it, and that the last time had been yet better than the one before, and so on. This is because we are very much likely to already be growing as people: Our own mistakes are improving, and most importantly, our attitude toward them is evolving.

Moments and events as this make it irrational and illogical not to love oneself. The main reason why we may feel low self-esteem is usually our discontent and disappointment with our flaws and mistakes, which to us, are so unacceptable. However, if we discipline ourselves to always look at our attitude while facing our fears and problem situations, rather than at our mistakes and failures, we will come to realize that:

a) we are not an unchangeable person who is built by our own flaws in a fixed way- rather, we are mutable, ever-changing “creations” which can be constantly defined and redefined, changed and re-born; and

b) that the person who we are changing to become along the pathway of our inner evolution is getting better and better…

The trick is again to keep ourselves in- and to live- the here and now: the here and now, and not the past, is what really defines us and our lives.

Love your life now and love yourself today, for the person who is presently struggling to change and to improve her/his life is that same wonderful person who has come a long way from the past, is constantly changing, and just keeps getting better and better at it!...And that person is you!

  1. Along the pathway of our inner evolution and life changes, and following from the last point, we should try not to be unpleased by the different forms and shapes that our pre-defined plans can take, for their shapes and forms may change, but their content and destiny can be exactly what we wanted.

We should face our life pathways with an open and empty mind: open because we keep open arms and open eyes toward accepting just what’s given to us at that given moment, and empty because we come along entirely freed from our expectations. Simultaneously though, we never give up on any of our most ambitious dreams, nor do we settle for anything less, until we’ve gotten exactly all that we’ve asked for.

The only difference/distinction between the two attitudes is that we can and should very well fight for all of our dreams in an open, free and fun way-similarly to a child’s attitude to life-while taking over our lives (instead of letting our lives take over us, through our criticisms and disappointments), and while enjoying to its full the roller-coaster ride through which our lives take us.

With no expectations in mind and an open mind, while being open and accepting of everything, we become untamed, brave, adventurous, and joyful toward our own life…Until of course, we’ve reached our own “end point”-(which doesn’t actually exist, but can and will still bring us exactly what we wished for). ;) 
